Scuba Diving
SSI Specialty Programs

SSI Search & Recovery

Whether it’s the gold of a sunken ship or that your buddy lost his/her dive light, there are times when knowing how to search for lost objects would be very beneficial.

Scuba Diving
SSI Specialty Programs

SSI Navigation

To become a safe and confident diver, it is critical to develop an understanding of navigation. You will learn how to navigate with a compass, and how to..

Scuba Diving
SSI Specialty Programs

SSI Diver Stress & Rescue

Be prepared for those unexpected emergencies. The Diver Stress & Rescue program will teach you about accident prevention and how to handle situations that might occur.

Scuba Diving
SSI Specialty Programs

SSI Perfect Buoyancy

Proper buoyancy control can only be mastered with proper training. The Perfect Buoyancy program will improve your swimming position and reduce your effort which will..

Scuba Diving
SSI Specialty Programs

SSI Deep Diving

Many of the more exciting and intriguing dive sites are located in deeper water. Without proper training, this kind of diving can put you at risk. Deep Diving program..

Scuba Diving
SSI Specialty Programs

SSI Boat Diving

Boats allow you the opportunity to explore spectacular dive sites far from shore. This program covers the additional knowledge you need to make your first boat diving..